The ACELC exists "to give a united voice against errors that are officially adopted in convention, tolerated, and/or promoted in the LCMS.”

Thanks. . .

. . . to all of you who joined us at the 2024 conference at Holy Cross in Kansas City! We hope that those who were unable to join us will make use of the videos that will be posted shortly. May the presentations and conversations bear good fruit and drive us to fervent prayer.

Almighty God, merciful Father, we give thee most hearty thanks that in Jesus Christ thou dost take living stones and build thy holy church as thy temple in this world, and hast called us through the preaching of the gospel to the community of believers. Keep our church upon that one foundation which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Pour out thy Holy Spirit upon our congregations, that we may faithfully use thy gracious gifts, the Word and Sacraments, and not be among those that have the name of being alive and yet are dead. Raise up laborers after thine own heart for the manifold ministry of thy church. Give to pastors and teachers courage and joyful boldness to continue steadfast in prayer and the ministry of the Word in its purity. Equip them and all who labor in the service of mercy, the teaching of youth, and other works of the church, with power from on high, that the sleepers may be awakened, the erring converted, and the
fainthearted and discouraged quickened by thy comfort.

Grant that all who have been called to thy holy work may be one in love, that they and we may labor only for the honor of thy name and seek with one accord to gather and further thy church unto the last great day. To this end, give us a sincere compassion for all the need and trouble in our congregation, that we may conquer all slothfulness and lukewarmness and joyfully accomplish what thou dost require of us.

Cause thy gospel to conquer hearts wherever it is preached in our land, that all who bear the name of thy Son may find their way to one another in the unity of the Spirit, that there may be one flock with one shepherd, Jesus Christ, to whom be praise for ever and ever. Amen

(Kirchenbuch für Baden quoted and altered in Minister’s Prayer Book ed. by John Doberstein)


This video serves as a great discussion prompter for congregations, gatherings of circuit pastors, districts—all who care about the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ within the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. It spells out clearly the issues of doctrine and practice that continue to cause division within our synod and threaten our ability to walk together. It also shows our desire assist in the return to faithfulness within our synod.

We encourage you to watch this video, and use the study guides, as we together seek to deal with such issues, guided by the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. We pray that these resources, and others available through the ACELC website, will be a blessing to you and our synod. We welcome your feedback.

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