CHRIST FOR US: Office of the Holy Ministry, Part I
February 25-27, 2014
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Conference Introduction: Paul’s Admonition (Acts 20), Rev. James D. Gier
The Christological Nature of the Predigtamt as Espoused in the Lutheran Confessions, President Brian Saunders
Pastor: Christi Vice et Loco, Rev. Brent Kuhlman
Bishops: Who Needs Them?, Rev. Rolf Preus
Priesthood and Office, Dr. Roland Ziegler
Call and Ordination, Dr. Naomichi Masaki
Post-Convention SMP: Quo Vadis?, Dr. Rick Nuffer
The Office of the Holy Ministry: What are the Consequences of Getting It Wrong?, Rev. Clint Poppe