
In keeping with its purpose of giving a united voice against errors in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, the members of the ACELC are LCMS congregations that agree to the ACELC’s Governance Guidelines, Fraternal Admonition letter, and the Evidence of Errors documents. Individuals who are members of LCMS congregations, or congregations in altar and pulpit fellowship with the LCMS, may join the ACELC as Associate Members. Members of ACELC congregations are de facto Associate Members. Only Associate Members who are the elected representatives of Member Congregations may vote. However, all Associate Members are encouraged to speak in the Representative Assembly and participate in the work of the ACELC, including serving on committees or in an appointed office.

Interested in congregational membership? Contact us

If you are an individual interested in Associate Membership, please read the documents listed above and fill out this Associate Membership Application.