The ACELC exists "to give a united voice against errors that are officially adopted in convention, tolerated, and/or promoted in the LCMS.”

The Best Lutheran Theological Conference of 2025

Did the title catch your eye? I hope so. Is it an overstatement or an exaggeration? Not if you let me finish the sentence. I promise that THE BEST LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE OF 2025 in Carlisle, Iowa, will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15-16 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Of course, this will also be the only Lutheran Theological Conference held in Carlisle, Iowa, in 2025.

The conference is titled: A Noble Task: Pastoral Formation in the LCMS. It is being organized by the Association of Confessing Evangelical Lutheran Congregations (ACELC).

As you may or may not be aware, significant changes have been made in how the LCMS prepares men to be qualified to serve as pastors. In addition to the traditional, residential Seminary training which served the Synod’s congregations for more than 100 years, there are now several alternate routes which involve varying degrees of online, residential, and localized training. Additionally, a significant new model, described by some as “contextualized” preparation, is also being proposed. This new method of preparation may make our Seminaries obsolete at best or even unnecessary at worst.

Undoubtedly the topic of Pastoral Formation will be a significant topic at the Synodical Convention in 2026. Do you want to start getting prepared? Do you want to be ready to engage in careful, thoughtful discussions, guided by the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, on a topic which may shape the Synod’s history for the next 100 years?

This topic won’t just affect the Synod. It will affect your congregation too. Maybe not next year or the year after that, but eventually it will. Sometime in the future, your congregation will have a pastoral vacancy. When it comes time to fill that vacancy, how do you want your next pastor to have been taught, shaped, and formed? You should want your pastor to have been trained to the highest standards with a deep, rich unwavering commitment to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

Pastoral Formation is essential to the strong, Biblical and confessional identity of the Synod. Do you remember? What happened to the Synod more than 50 years ago when Pastoral Formation at the St. Louis Seminary was affected by a methodology of Higher Criticism which undermined the authority and truthfulness of Scripture? It eroded our Synod’s faithfulness to God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions. It also caused a historic shift in our Synodical unity. The congregations and pastors of the Synod must not let this happen again.

Presenters and their topics for this year’s conference include:

  • Pastoral Formation: Seminary Perspectives – Rev. Dr. Jon Bruss, President, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne
  • History of Pastoral Formation – Rev. Willie Grills, Zion Lutheran Church, Avilla, AR
  • Challenges to the Church Today – Rev. Adam Moline, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lincoln, NE
  • Solutions for the Future – Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Oakmont, PA
  • Reflecting on a Career in the Pastoral Office – Rev. Rolf Preus, Banquet Speaker

Follow this link for the 2025 ACELC Conference to find more information about the conference, hotel accommodations, the speakers, and to register. We look forward to seeing you July 15-16 for THE BEST LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE OF 2025 in Carlisle, Iowa.


2025 ACELC Conference

A Noble Task: Pastoral Formation in the LCMS

July 15-16, 2025

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Iowa

Register Here

  • History of Pastoral Formation – Rev. Willie Grills, Zion Lutheran Church, Avilla, AR
  • Challenges to the Church Today – Rev. Adam Moline, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lincoln, NE
  • Pastoral Formation: Seminary Perspectives – Rev. Dr. Jon Bruss, President, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne
  • Solutions for the Future – Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Oakmont, PA
  • Reflecting on a Career in the Pastoral Office – Rev. Rolf Preus, Banquet Speaker

Past Conference Presentations:

A Fraternal Conversation: The State of Our Synod in 2024

The Aim of Our Charge, 2023

Catechesis and Synodical Unity, 2022

Ecclesiastical Supervision, 2021

The Church's Mission & Evangelistic Task, 2019

Unionism & Syncretism, 2018

The Order of Creation, 2017

Dispute Resolution, 2016

Unbiblical Removal of Pastors, 2015

Office of the Holy Ministry, 2014

The Divine Service, 2013

The Lord’s Supper!, 2012

Addressing Error in The LCMS, 2011


This video serves as a great discussion prompter for congregations, gatherings of circuit pastors, districts—all who care about the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ within the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. It spells out clearly the issues of doctrine and practice that continue to cause division within our synod and threaten our ability to walk together. It also shows our desire assist in the return to faithfulness within our synod.

We encourage you to watch this video, and use the study guides, as we together seek to deal with such issues, guided by the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. We pray that these resources, and others available through the ACELC website, will be a blessing to you and our synod. We welcome your feedback.

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