ACELC Website Update - 12/6/2010

Dear Friends,

We\'ve been busily at work trying to lay out all the details of our upcoming Convening Conference March 1-3, 2011 to be held in Kearney, Missouri, and we are pleased to announce that we have at last finalized the Membership Procedures and the Provisional Membership documents. In addtion we have also posted a set of proposed Governance Guidelines which will be be discussed and approved at our Conference in March. You may also access these documents at our website under the ACELC Membership tab.

If you have any trouble with the above links, please drop us a note by clicking HERE . . .

Also, we should soon be posting another registration form for those individuals who would like to attend our Conference but are not ready to go the route of submitting a Provisional Membership application through their congregation.

We are still putting the final touches on our speakers list, and while we are not free at present to tell you who will be speaking at our Conference, we can say that we have a number of top notch theologians already lined who will be addressing our assembly through the course of our Conference, and that as soon as our work is completed we will release all the details. In the meantime, mark your calendars and plan to join us. The dates are firm, so if you need to make travel plans you may safely do that now. Tentatively the hours of the Conference will be from mid-morning on the 1st through mid-afternoon on the 3rd.

Your Servants For Christ\'s Sake,
ACELC Steering Committee