ACELC Website Update - 1/10/2011

Dear Friends,

We have just posted "errors" document #10 to our website, a document which addresses the issue of "Dispute Resolution." You may download that document by visiting the website and clicking on the "Documents/ACELC Documents" tab at the top of the HERE.

As always, if you find any errors, typos, or other items needing correcting, please send us a note to let us know about it by using the "Contact Information" link on the upper right corner of our homepage. It was as a result of something that needed correcting in the document on Ecclesiastical Supervision that it was recently taken down temporarily to make just such a correction. We hope to have it reposted shortly.


Also, don\'t forget to take a look at the Registration Form for our upcoming Free Conference, March 1-3 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Kearney, MO. We have a first-class roundup of guest speakers who will be presenting. They are (in alphabetical order) – The Rev. Dick Bolland, The Rev. Brent Kuhlman, The Rev. Clint Poppe, The Rev. Scott Porath, The Rev. Daniel Preus, The Rev. Rick Sawyer, The Rev. Robert Wentzel, and The Rev. Dr. John Wohlrabe.

As we have noted in a previous e-mail, not all our speakers have signed the Fraternal Admonition, nor does their appearance at this Conference imply that they are endorsing the work of the ACELC (especially since two of them are Vice-Presidents of the Synod), but recognizing the validity of the issues we have brought forward in our Admonition, their only desire is to discuss these matters in a brotherly way, even as we do.

You may download a copy of the registration form (which contains a schedule of the Free Conference and further details) by clicking on this link:

Free Conference Registration Form

Your Servants For Christ's Sake,
ACELC Steering Committee